Week 9, 10 & 11 - CircuitVerse@GSOC'23

Week 9, 10 & 11 - CircuitVerse@GSOC'23


7 min read

This blog is coming after a long time [almost 3 weeks].

Throughout this week, the main tasks involved were -

  • Update the docker setup to make it more convenient

  • Test the docker setup in all OS [Linux, Mac, Windows]

  • Rewrite Documentation

Revamp Docker Setup

The main problems with the current setup are -

  1. In the docker file, it copies all the source code and installs dependencies

  2. The image and process inside the container run as root user

  3. For this reason, whenever some dependencies or codebase changes the docker image rebuild and which takes lots of time

  4. As the process runs as a root user, some file changes from the container give permission errors in a code editor.

  5. As we install all the dependencies at the time of building the image, there is no possibility to cache the dependencies

Solution -

The solution is inspired by the GitHub Codespaces working principle.

πŸ‘€ How do codespaces work?

  1. It has a Dockerfile of the application

  2. It starts the container with a sleep infinity to prevent it from terminating after the start

  3. Then, it uses attach or exec to attach the container

  4. Then, it runs a setup.sh to install all dependencies and prepare the4 environment

  5. Then it runs boot.sh to start the application

πŸ„ Let's do the same for CircuitVerse project

  1. Prepare the Dockerfile. This will only contain the ruby and nodejs environment. As well as it will have a non-root user with the same user id and group id of the host.

    We will provide host's group id and user id by build arguments

     FROM ruby:3.2.1
     # Args
     # Check mandatory args
     RUN test -n "$NON_ROOT_USER_ID"
     RUN test -n "$NON_ROOT_GROUP_ID"
     RUN test -n "$OPERATING_SYSTEM"
     RUN test -n "$NON_ROOT_USERNAME"
     RUN test -n "$NON_ROOT_GROUPNAME"
     # Create app directory
     RUN mkdir /circuitverse
     # Create non-root user directory
     RUN mkdir /home/${NON_ROOT_USERNAME}
     # Create non-root vendor directory
     RUN mkdir /home/vendor
     RUN mkdir /home/vendor/bundle
     # set up workdir
     WORKDIR /circuitverse
     # Set shell to bash
     SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
     # install dependencies
     RUN apt-get update -qq && \
      apt-get install -y imagemagick shared-mime-info libvips sudo make cmake netcat libnotify-dev git chromium-driver chromium --fix-missing && apt-get clean
     # Setup nodejs and yarn
     RUN curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | bash \
      && apt-get update && apt-get install -y nodejs && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
      && curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | apt-key add - \
      && echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list \
      && apt-get update && apt-get install -y yarn && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
     # If OPERATING_SYSTEM is Linux, create non-root user
     RUN if [[ "$OPERATING_SYSTEM" == "linux" ]]; then \
         # create non-root user with same uid:gid as host non-root user
         groupadd -g ${NON_ROOT_GROUP_ID} -r ${NON_ROOT_GROUPNAME} && useradd -u ${NON_ROOT_USER_ID} -r -g ${NON_ROOT_GROUPNAME} ${NON_ROOT_USERNAME} \
         && chown -R ${NON_ROOT_USERNAME}:${NON_ROOT_GROUPNAME} /circuitverse \
         && chown -R ${NON_ROOT_USERNAME}:${NON_ROOT_GROUPNAME} /home/vendor \
         && chown -R ${NON_ROOT_USERNAME}:${NON_ROOT_GROUPNAME} /home/vendor/bundle \
         # Provide sudo permissions to non-root user
         && adduser ${NON_ROOT_USERNAME} sudo \
         && echo '%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers ;\
     # Switch to non-root user

    For macOS and windows we don't need non-root users because the volume mounting is worked as shared storage. So the permission error will not come

  2. Next, we create a setup.sh which will install dependencies and migrate the database

     # !/bin/sh
     # Remove tmp folder
     rm -rf /circuitverse/tmp
     # Install ruby dependencies
     gem install bundler
     bundle config set --local without "production"
     bundle config set --local path "/home/vendor/bundle"
     bundle install
     # Install node dependencies
     # Setup database
     bundle exec rails db:create
     bundle exec rails db:schema:load
     bundle exec rails db:migrate
     bundle exec rails db:seed
     # generate key-pair for jwt-auth
     # if private.pem and public.pem does not exists
     if [ ! -f "/circuitverse/config/private.pem" ] && [ ! -f "/circuitverse/config/public.pem" ]; then
       openssl genrsa -out /circuitverse/config/private.pem 2048
       openssl rsa -in /circuitverse/config/private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out /circuitverse/config/public.pem
  3. Then we create a boot.sh to initiate setup.sh and then start the server

     # Delete server.pid if it exists
     rm -f /circuitverse/tmp/pids/server.pid 2>&1
     # Run setup
     echo "Setup project"
     if [[ "$OPERATING_SYSTEM" == "linux" || "$OPERATING_SYSTEM" == "mac" ]]; then
       if [ ! -d "${HOST_CURRENT_DIRECTORY%/*}" ]; then
         sudo mkdir -p "${HOST_CURRENT_DIRECTORY%/*}"
       # Setup symbolic link for solargraph
       if [ ! -L "$HOST_CURRENT_DIRECTORY" ]; then
         sudo ln -s -T /circuitverse "$HOST_CURRENT_DIRECTORY"
       # Start solargraph server in background
       bundle exec solargraph socket --host="" --port=3002 &> /dev/null &
     # Start server
     # Start bash if previous command exits
  4. Now, we need to prepare the docker-compose.yml. As you can see still now we haven't copied the source code in the image or anywhere.

    We will mount the codebase to the container at /circuitverse location to make it easy to edit files and keep all files in sync

           context: .
           dockerfile: Dockerfile
             - NON_ROOT_USER_ID=${CURRENT_UID}
         command: sleep infinity
           - .:/circuitverse:rw
           - ./config/database.docker.yml:/circuitverse/config/database.yml:rw
           - ruby_bundle:/home/vendor/bundle:rw
           - SYS_ADMIN
           - "3000:3000"
           - "3001:3001"
           - "3002:3002"
           - "3035:3035"
           - "3036:3036"
           - db
           - redis
           REDIS_URL: "redis://redis:6379/0"
           CIRCUITVERSE_USE_SOLR: "false"
           DOCKER_ENVIRONMENT: "true"
           NODE_ENV: "development"
  5. Everything is ready. But there is an issue, we can't run this using docker-compose up. We need to set the NON_ROOT_USER_ID NON_ROOT_GROUP_ID OPERATING_SYSTEM environment variables. Also, need to start the server by attaching to it. So write a script for that

     # Detect operating system [linux, macos] with uname
     DETECTED_OS=$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
     # If operating system is linux
     if [ "$DETECTED_OS" = "linux" ]; then
       # Set environment variables temporary
       export CURRENT_GID=$(id -g)
       export CURRENT_UID=$(id -u)
       export NON_ROOT_USERNAME="user"
       export NON_ROOT_GROUPNAME="user"
       export OPERATING_SYSTEM="linux"
       # Check if docker and docker compose are installed
       if ! command -v docker &>/dev/null; then
         echo "Docker is not installed. Install docker : https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/"
         exit 0
       # Check if rootless docker is available
       if docker ps &>/dev/null; then
         # Run docker-compose up
         docker compose up -d --build
         # Run docker-compose exec web bash
         docker compose exec web bin/docker/boot
         # Run docker-compose down
         docker compose down
         # Run docker-compose up as root user
         sudo docker compose up -d --build
         # Run docker-compose exec web bash as root user
         sudo docker compose exec web bin/docker/boot
         # Run docker-compose down as root user
         sudo docker compose down
     # If operating system is macos
     if [ "$DETECTED_OS" = "darwin" ]; then
       # Set environment variables temporary
       export CURRENT_GID="0"
       export CURRENT_UID="0"
       export NON_ROOT_USERNAME="root"
       export NON_ROOT_GROUPNAME="root"
       export OPERATING_SYSTEM="mac"
       # Check if docker and docker compose are installed
       if ! command -v docker &>/dev/null; then
         echo "Docker is not installed. Install docker : https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/"
         exit 0
       # Run docker-compose up
       docker compose up -d --build
       # Run docker-compose exec web bash
       docker compose exec web bin/docker/boot
       # Run docker-compose down
       docker compose down

    This one script is responsible to fetch user id and group id and set temporary environment variables.

    This will start the container and then run bin/docker/boot inside the container. And after the container got exited, it run docker compose down to stop other containers as well.

  6. πŸ’ That's all.

Test docker setup

We have tested this docker setup in

  • Windows [both Hyper-V and WSL2]

  • Linux

  • MacOS

It works on all os without any issues.

For Windows, we have written a PowerShell script to support it as well.

# Set environment variables
$env:NON_ROOT_USERNAME = "root";
$env:NON_ROOT_GROUPNAME = "root";
$env:OPERATING_SYSTEM = "windows";
$env:PWD = (Get-Location).Path;
$env:CURRENT_UID = "0";
$env:CURRENT_GID = "0";

# Check if docker is available
if (Get-Command -Name "docker" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
    # Run docker-compose up
    docker compose up -d --build
    # Run docker-compose exec to boot the image
    docker compose exec web bin/docker/boot
    # Run docker-compose down
    docker compose down
else {
    Write-Output "Docker is not available. Follow this documentation to install docker: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/windows-install/"

You can get more details in this PR - https://github.com/CircuitVerse/CircuitVerse/pull/3913/

Rewrite Documentation

Many changes were made to the project for improving the development experience. So it's very important to update the documentation as well.

We have written the documentation for Remote Development Platforms, as well as separate documentation for each operating system for setting up a docker-based environment + local installation.

Additionally, working on the reviewed PRs. Making some changes on the PR to make it ready to merge.

That's all for this blog. If you liked this subscribe to the newsletter.

πŸŽ‰ Finally, my project SwiftWave has been published on GitHub.

SwiftWave is a self-hosted lightweight PaaS solution to deploy and manage your applications on any VPS without any hassle

GitHub Link - https://github.com/swiftwave-org/swiftwave

If you like the initiative, star⭐ the project on GitHub.